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 Abbreviations used in Aviation.

AAL Above Aerodrome Level
AGL Above Ground Level
AH / AI Artificial Horizon / Attitude Indicator
AIP Aerodrome Information Publication (a comprehensive series of operational documents for VHF and IFR pilots)
AMSL Above Mean Sea Level
ARFOR Area Forecast
ASI Air Speed Indicator
ATC Air Traffic Control
AVGAS Aviation Gasoline
BAK Basic Aeronautical Knowledge
CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority
CAVOK Ceiling And Visability OK
CFI Chief Flying Instructor
CG Centre of Gravity
CHT Cylinder Head Temperature
CIR Command Instrument Rules
CPL Commercial Pilot's Licence
CTA Control Area / Controlled Airspace
CTAF Common Traffic Advisory Frequency
CTZ Control Zone
DA Density Altitude
DG / DI Directional Gyro(scope) / Direction Indicator
EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature
ELT Emergency Location/Locator Transmitter
ERSA Enroute Supplement Australia (an aerodrome directory and useful reference publication)
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
FIA / FIR / FIS Flight Information Area / Flight Information Region / Flight Information Service
FPM Feet per Minute (rate of Climb or Decent)
GA General Aviation
GAAP General Aviation Aerodrome Procedures
GFPT General Flying Progress Test
GMT Greenwich Mean Time - same as UTC and Z
GS Ground Speed - the speen of the aircraft relative to a point on the ground. It is a resultant (combination) of True Air Speed and Wind velocity
IAS Indicated Air Speed - the speed of the aircraft as shown on the Air Speed Indicator
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
ILS Instrument Landing System
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC exists if VMC do not)
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
kHz kilohertz, radio frequency expressed in thousands of cycles per second
KIAS Knots, Indicated Air Speed
KTAS Knots True Air Speed
L/D Lift/Drag ratio
LAME Licenced Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
LMT Local Mean Time
LSALT Lowest Safe Altitude
MAP Manifold absolute Pressure (this is measured in inches of mercury - in./hg.). Together with RPM gives a measure of engine power
MBZ Manditory Broadcast Zone
MET Meteorology - generally refers to weather conditions and forecasts.
MP Manifold Pressure
MHz MegaHertz - radio frequency in millions of cycles per second
NDB Non-Directional Beacon
NOTAM Notice to Airmen, advising status of airspace, navigational aids, hazzards, etc.
NVFR Night Visual Flight Rules (expressed as Night VFR - same usage as NVMC)
NVMC Night Visual Meteorological Conditions (expressed as Night VMC)
OCTA Outside Controlled Airspace or Uncontrolled Airspace (same as Class G airspace)
PAX Passengers
PIC Pilot In Command
POB Persons On Board
POH Pilot's Operating Handbook - also refered to as the Flight Manual
PPL Private Pilot's Licence
PRD Prohibited, Restricted and Dangerous areas
PSI Pounds per Square Inch - pressure
PTT Press To Talk (or Transmit) - button for external radio transmissions
PVT Private category flight (as distinct from charter, airwork, RPT)
QNH Altitude pressure datum to show vertical distance above local mean sea level
RIS Radar Information Service
RBI Relative Bearing Indicator - Clock Code in Degrees
RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator
ROC Rate Of Climb
ROD Rate Of Descent
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RPT Regular Public Transport
RWY Runway
SARTIME Time after which search begins
SARWATCH Monitoring of a flight to activate emergency services if not cancelled by a specific time
SIGMET Significant weather warning
SMC Surface Movement Control - the areodrome trafficv control agency for all ground operatins, including land vehicles
TAF Terminal Aerodrome Forecast
TAS True Air Speed
TR Track over the ground
TWR Control Tower
Unicom Universal Communications, a secondary function of some CTAF/MBZ frequencies
USG United States of America Gallon
UTC Universal Coordinated Time - same as GMT or Z
VFG Visual Flight Guide (an ATC compendium of useful information for VFR pilots)
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHF Very High Frequency - Radio Band
VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions - good weather
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator - rate of climb or descent indicator in units of hundreds of feet per minute
VTC visual terminal chart - scale 1:250,000
W/V Wind Velocity - direction from and speed
WAC World Aeronautical Chart - universal topographical chart - scale 1:1,000,000
WX Weather
XW Crosswind
Z Zulu time zone - same as GMT or UTC


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